Greystone Capital Management
A Differentiated, Value-Based Investment Firm
Greystone Capital is a long only, equity focused Registered Investment Adviser located in West Chester, PA. The firm utilizes a fundamental research process focused on identifying mispriced small and microcap securities in order to build a concentrated portfolio of high conviction investments.
It’s our belief that the best investment results can be achieved by aligning interests. Greystone aims to be different from the majority of investment vehicles and large funds by providing full transparency into what we own and why we own it, and always being invested alongside clients. We strive to create value, not extract it.
Greystone’s investment process is centered around patience, good decision making, and daily incremental improvement. Our aim is to compound client’s investment capital at the highest possible rates of return over long periods of time.
To do that, client portfolios are managed by taking concentrated positions in small companies that are generally under-followed, misunderstood, and can be too small for large funds or passive investment vehicles to own, creating the potential for mispricings. Viewing stocks as ownership shares in businesses, we seek to own these companies for years, or until the mispricings correct. We believe this approach, executed well over long periods of time, can provide a path to stock market out performance.